

China Resources Building Materials Technology Holdings Limited (CR Bldg Materials Tech) was incorporated in 2003 and is a Hong Kong listed company (stock code: 1313.HK) under the state-owned China Resources Group. The Company is a large-scale and competitive supplier of cement, clinker and concrete in Southern China, and is ranked fifth in the "2023 Comprehensive Strength Ranking of China Cement Listed Companies" by the China Cement Association. CR Bldg Materials Tech is included in 11 indices including the Hang Seng Composite Index, the Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations Index, the Hang Seng China High Dividend Yield Index, the Hang Seng Composite Industry Index (Properties & Construction) and the Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index, Hang Seng Composite LargeCap & MidCap Index, Hang Seng Large-Mid Cap (Investable) Index, Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Index, Hang Seng Stock Connect Greater Bay Area Index, Hang Seng China Central SOEs Index, Hang Seng Stock Connect Greater Bay Area Index.


CR Bldg Materials Tech focuses on business domains such as basic building materials (cement & aggregates), structural building materials (concrete, prefabricated construction, functional building materials (engineered stone, tile adhesive & white cement) and new materials, and mainly covers regions including Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shanxi, Hong Kong, Hunan, Hubei, Shandong and Chongqing. The Company fully leveraged the positive synergies between different businesses, continuously optimize the industrial chain layout, promote the corporate transformation and innovation, and advance the high-quality and sustainable development of the industry.


CR Bldg Materials Tech uses "Runfeng" as the unified product brand for basic building materials and structural building materials businesses. As of the end of June 2023, through subsidiaries and equity interests of certain associates and joint ventures, the annual production capacities of clinker, cement and concrete were 75.7 million tons, 112 million tons and 42.4 million m3 respectively. Upon completion of construction of all projects, the annual production capacity of aggregates is expected to exceed 151 million tons, and the design annual production capacity of prefabricated construction is expected to reach approximately 1.4 million m3.


"Runpin" is used as the unified product brand for functional building materials business, which is mainly applied on engineered stone and tile adhesive businesses. In 2023, the Company continuously optimized the engineered stone business, continued to establish a standard product system and launched pilot sales of standardized engineered stone products. After all projects under construction have commenced operation, the annual production capacity of engineered stone will reach 26.1 million m2.


The new materials business mainly explores the development opportunities of new materials such as silicon-based, calcium-based, and basalt, and actively promotes the implementation of new materials industrial projects.


CR Bldg Materials Tech places strong emphasis on corporate social responsibility. Highlighting the unity of nature and humanity, our development plan makes ecology, environmental protection, safety and intensive utilization of resources as the main targets, actively promotes production safety, energy saving, emission reduction and carbon emissions management, launches projects of co-processing municipal solid waste, urban sludge and hazardous industrial waste by use of cement kilns, continuously improves the environmental management system, practicing eco-protection, actively responds to climate change, leads the green and low-carbon development of the industry, and comprehensively enhances ecological vitality for building a beautiful China. The Company has always incorporated ESG management into enterprise operations and embedded it within businesses. In 2023, the Company was successfully selected as the 13th place in the list of "China Top 100 ESG Pioneer Listed Companies", “Cement kiln transformed into ‘purifiers’, exploring new paths for enterprises to reduce pollution and decrease carbon" co-processing responsibility practice was selected for the “ESG Blue Book of Listed Companies of Central State-owned Enterprises (2023)”.

In addition, the Company continues to strengthen the research, development and application of new products, new materials and new technologies, build a high-level new material research and development platform and accelerate the promotion of work in other fields such as technological, management and business models to provide high-quality building materials products, services and systematic solutions for the public. The “Project for Platformization and Integration in the Scenario of Whole-Process Intelligent Manufacturing”, the“Project for New Model in Intelligent Operation and Maintenance of Manufacturing Equipment for Production and Operation” and the “Project for Financial Shared Services to Help Digital Transformation of Enterprises in the Cement Industry” submitted by the Company were honoured with the first prize, the second prize and the third prize respectively in the First “State-owned Enterprise Digital Scenario Innovation Professional Competition” held by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. CR Bldg Materials Tech is committed to creating a benchmark for intelligent manufacturing and promoting high-end, intelligent and green transformation.

HK$ 32,219 Million
Total Employees
RMB 51.958 Billion
"Runfeng Cement" Brand Value

RMB millionHK$ million





Profit for the year



Profit attributable to owners of the Company


Basic earnings per share




As of December 31th20232022202120202018
RMB millionHK$ million
Total assets72,792.2 


Equity attributable to owners of the Company44,108.5


Non-controlling interests1,638.7


Gearing ratio (note 1)



Net assets per share – book (note 2)

RMB 6.32 

RMB 6.28 HK$ 7.86HK$ 7.11HK$ 6.01

1. Gearing ratio is calculated by dividing the total bank borrowings and unsecured medium term notes by equity attributable to owners of the Company.
2. Net assets per share – book is calculated by dividing equity attributable to owners of the Company by the number of issued shares at the end of the year.